Hellenic Heritage Evolution
Our Team

Meet Our Excellent Team

Dimitris Karampatsos

Dimitris Karampatsos

Concept Manager

Dimitris Karampatsos Grew up in Pylos and Studied History and Cultural Resources Management. Alongside his business endeavors he is heavily involved in the cultural and athletic activities of his hometown. After organizing the first Reenactment of the Navarino Naval Battle, commonly known as “Navarinia”, he created Hellenic Heritage Evolution with Nantia Karampatsou, in order to continue organizing Cultural, Athletic and other Charity oriented events that leave a positive footprint to the society
Nantia Karampatsos

Nantia Karampatsos

Law Department

Nadia Karampatsos grew up in Pylos and was a sailing champion in her teen years. Later she studied political sciences, law, and got her masters in communication before creating an international business promoting Greek products worldwide. Through Hellenic Heritage Evolution she found the opportunity to able to promote Greek Culture while simultaneously helping underprivileged people
Stavroula Kentie

Stavroula Kentie

Communications Manager

Active Journalist and Editor-in-Chief with excellent knowledge of the Internet, imagination, creativity, speed, accuracy and a restless spirit. The last 12 years, she has been working in the field of communication and public relations in cultural events. She is inspired by people and believes that our identity lies in our history.